
Real Estate Listings in Sardinal Costa Rica

Sardinal, a charming town in Carrillo, Guanacaste, Costa Rica, is nestled approximately 10 kilometers from downtown Playas del Coco. With a population of around 15,000, Sardinal is a quintessential Costa Rican worker neighborhood, where the majority of residents are engaged in agriculture or tourism—the two primary economic pillars of the region. Vast fields of melons and sugar cane characterize the landscape, and the presence of numerous Four and Five Star hotels along the nearby beach coast underscores the need for local labor to cater to the thousands of tourists visiting the Papagayo region annually.

The transformation of Sardinal is evident, evolving from a modest town with humble beginnings to a prosperous Tico neighborhood. Infrastructure improvements have paved the main streets, new businesses and restaurants have emerged, and essential amenities such as a better-equipped public clinic and repaired bridges contribute to the town's advancement.

Sardinal is also recognized for hosting the only public golf course in the region, the " Tres Volcanes Golf & Athletic Center"  in the "La Libertad of Sardinal" neighborhood. Expats and residents often traverse Sardinal on their way to this golf course, adding a recreational dimension to the town.

Despite its progress, Sardinal maintains its traditional customs and activities. Events such as bull rides, traditional holidays, band performances in the park, pool table tournaments, and a traditional horse parade contribute to the town's vibrant cultural scene.

Sardinal offers ample farmland, providing opportunities for those seeking a Tico lifestyle or wishing to establish a gentleman's farm with horses, cattle, or cultivate a variety of fruits and vegetables. The town's proximity to beach communities and its location just 25 minutes from Liberia International Airport and 35 minutes from the provincial capital, Liberia, make Sardinal a convenient and accessible location.

While Sardinal may not boast many tourist attractions, it remains an essential destination for those seeking an authentic Costa Rican experience—a place where the spirit of "Pura Vida" is truly felt.



1 results from your search
USD$ 80,000
Building Size:
2,381 M2
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